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Writer's pictureWilliam M. Marshall, III

From the East - December 2023

Brethren –

First let me say thank you for the vote of confidence you’ve given me to serve as this Lodge’s

Master for the next year. I am humbled and honored to serve as West Shore Lodge’s Master

for 2024, and I look forward to serving this Lodge and seeing us conducting the programs the

Lodge desires.

To that end, I’ve developed a program plan for the next year with three main themes. Those

three themes are Stewardship, Education, and Fellowship. By Stewardship my aim is to see us

care for the numerous resources we have at our disposal – our building, our finances, our ritual,

as well as our members time and energies. I’d also like to see our Lodge’s traditions cared for

and continued – maybe even some new ones started. Finally, I want to ensure our future

officers are properly equipped for their next chair or appointment by making sure our

knowledge and experience is passed down. By Education, I’d like to see us continue the

amazing education programs we’ve had. I’d like us to consider not just masonic education on

our symbols and rituals, but also the practical education that allows us to make good men

better. I’ve been working with a Lodge in Pittsburgh PA to facilitate exchanges between our

Lodges to see the Master Mason degree done in each other’s respective jurisdiction. My hope

is this will give the Brethren a taste of the vision of the universality of Masonry that I’ve come

to appreciate in my travels as a Mason. By Fellowship, I’d like to see us continue to promote

activities that bring Brothers together outside of the Lodge room. Whether it’s dinners, or

activities like a day at the Crushers or Guardians, or some other event, I’d like to see us finding

time to come together and enjoying Brotherhood. I’d also like to see us promote opportunities

to bring our families together. One such event will be a Family Garden Party in the spring

where we’ll have games & activities for the kids.

One thing I’d like to do this year is to increase the frequency of communication with our

brethren, to ensure you all are properly informed of goings-on in the Lodge. I’ve appointed a

communication officer who will assist in sending out monthly email communications to the

Lodge, and we’ll work to get out a quarterly print edition as well. When there are updates to

our events and schedules, they will be communicated through the GrandView email system as

well as posted to our Lodge website. Please keep these means of communication in mind so

you can be properly notified of special events or topics in Lodge.

Once again, I thank the members for your vote of confidence in me, and I look forward to

serving you in the upcoming year.


Bill Marshall

Worshipful Master

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